
Project Type

React SPA


React SSR

  • Based on React

  • Based on nextjs enterprise high performance node framework

  • Use typescript to develop

  • Support use koa to custom node server

  • Search engine friendly SEO


React Component(library)

Vue Component(library)


  • Based on dumi which is demo and document framework for the project

  • 使用 mocha 进行Node端的单页测试

  • 使用 karma 进行浏览器端的单页测试

  • Use rollup to package

  • Use typescript to develop

  • Comply eslint standard

  • Apply prettier to format code



You can input omni -h in the command-line-tool to check all support commands:


    init [options] [strategy]  initialize your project, [strategy] could be stable(default) or latest
    dev [options]              omni dev [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]
    start [options]            omni start [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]
    new [options] [name]       omni new [name] [-f | -c] [-P <path>]
    build [options]            build your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s build field
    release [options]          publish your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s release field

omni init

Initial your project by answer several questions

omni init

Initial your project with lastest denpendencies

omni init lastest

Initial your project without install dependencies

omni init -n

Initial your project according to some template

omni init -t [projectName]


omni init --react_entire [projectName]


Usage: omni init [strategy] [options]

initialize your project, [strategy] could be stable(default) or latest


  strategy                 stable or latest

  -rb, --react_basic [name]       create a basic React SPA project
  -rs, --react_standard [name]    create a standard React SPA project
  -re, --vue_entire [name]        create a most versatile React SPA project
  -vb, --vue_basic [name]         create a basic Vue SPA project
  -vs, --vue_standard [name]      create a standard Vue SPA project
  -ve, --vue_entire [name]        create a most versatile Vue SPA project
  -rS, --react_ssr [name]         create a React component library
  -rc, --react_components [name]  create a React component library
  -vc, --vue_components [name]    create a Vue component library
  -t, --toolkit [name]            create a toolkit project
  -n, --no-install                init project without install dependencies
  -P, --path <path>               the workpath for init the project
  -h, --help                      output usage information

omni dev


  omni dev

  omni dev -p 8200 // Start a dev-server with port 8200

  omni dev -h // Start a dev-server with hostname

  omni dev -p 8200 -h // Start a dev-server with port 8200 and hostname


Usage: omni dev [options]

omni dev [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]

  -p, --port <port>      start the dev-server according to the specified port
  -H, --hostname <host>  start the dev-server according to the specified hostname
  -P, --path <path>      the workpath for start the dev-server
  -h, --help             output usage information

omni start

The usage same as omni dev


Usage: omni start [options]

omni start [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]

  -p, --port <port>      start the prod-server according to the specified port
  -H, --hostname <host>  start the prod-server according to the specified hostname
  -P, --path <path>      the workpath for start the prod-server
  -h, --help             output usage information

omni new


  omni new

  omni new Button // Create a component which name is Button

  omni new -c // Create a component which type is class

  omni new -c Button // Create a component which name is Button and type is class


Usage: omni new [name] [options]

omni new [name] [-f | -c] [-P <path>]


  name              optional! The name of component.

  -f, --function    create a functional component
  -c, --class       create a class component
  -P, --path <path>  the workpath for create component
  -h, --help        output usage information

omni build


  omni build

  omni build -n // Build project bypass all pre-flight

  omni build -c $pathTo/build.config.js // Build project according to specify config path


Usage: omni build [options]

build your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s build field

  -c, --config <path>  specify the path of config file
  -n, --no-verify      bypass all pre-check before building
  -P, --path <path>    the workpath for build project
  -h, --help           output usage information

omni release


  omni release

  omni release -n // Release project bypass all pre-flight

  omni release -a // Release project that automatic iteration version

  omni release -i // Release project that ignore automatic iteration version

  omni release -m // Release project that manual iteration version

  omni release -t // Release project that the tag will add to npm-package


Usage: omni release [options]

publish your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s release field

  -a, --automatic         automatic iteration version
  -i, --ignore            ignore automatic iteration version
  -m, --manual <version>  manual iteration version
  -t, --tag <tag>         the tag will add to npm-package
  -n, --no-verify         bypass unit-test eslint and stylelint check
  -P, --path <path>       the workpath for release project
  -h, --help              output usage information

About「omni.config.js」config file


OMNI will process of initialization, construction and template creation according to different project types

The project types:

  • spa-react - React single-page-application

  • ssr-react - React server-side-render application

  • component-react - React Component Library

  • toolkit - SDK Library


The dev-server based on express, realizing hot-update, api-proxy and other common functions. Provide personalized customization schemes such as middleware customization, port number, log output level and webpack configuration.

  • middleware - middleware configuration:

      route: string;
      callback: (req: any, res: any) => Promise<void>;


    (params: {
      ip: string;
      port: number;
      host?: string;
      logLevel: LOGLEVEL;
      proxyConfig?: (ProxyItem | ProxyFn)[];
    }) => {
      route: string;
      callback: (req: any, res: any) => Promise<void>;
  • webpack - dev-server webpack configuration

  • proxy - dev-server proxy configuration

      route: '/api', // Address of the local service for the proxy API
      config: {
        target: '', // The actual address of the proxy API
        changeOrigin: true // whether change the host


    (params: {
      ip: string;
      port: number;
      host?: string;
      logLevel: LOGLEVEL;
      middlewareConfig?: (MiddlewareItem | MiddlewareFn)[];
    }) => {
      route: string;
      config: Config;

    For more configuration, see http-proxy-middleware

  • port - dev-server port

  • host - dev-server host

  • https - start dev-server with https protocol which could custom key and cert

  • serverType - dev-server type

  • logLevel - The log-level which dev-server will apply, optional 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'silent'


  • autoRelease - auto release project after build success

  • srcDir - the build source directory

  • outDir - the directory for compiled project

  • esmDir - es6 module compiled directory

  • hash - whether the hash tag add to building result, optional 'contenthash', 'chunkhash' and 'hash'(true equal 'contenthash')

  • configuration - The callback will be call in the build-process, you can return your custom build configuration

  • reserve - Configure resources that are not packaged but need to be kept in the build result

    • style - whether or not reserve the stylesheet files

    • assets - reserve other asset paths

  • preflight - the flight check before build

    • typescript - whether or not process the ts or tsx files

    • test - whether or not process unit-test

    • eslint - whether or not process eslint check

    • prettier - whether or not process prettier check

    • stylelint - whether or not process stylelint check


  • autoBuild - auto build project before release process

  • autoTag - npm publish will auto set tag according to the current version

  • git - project git repo url

  • npm - npm depository url

  • preflight - the flight check before release

    • test - whether or not process unit-test

    • eslint - whether or not process eslint check

    • prettier - whether or not process prettier check

    • stylelint - whether or not process stylelint check

    • commitlint - whether or not process commitlint check

    • branch - only can release in this branch, set empty string to ignore this check


  • root - the root directory for generate template

  • typescript - whether or not apply typescript

  • test - whether or not generate unit-test file

  • stylesheet - stylesheet type

  • readme - [true, 'mdx'] ([whether or not, generate mdx or md file])


plugin must meet following types:

type OmniPlugin = {
  name: string;
  stage: PluginStage;
  handler: PluginHandler;

type PluginStage = 'new' | 'build' | 'release';
interface PluginHandler {
  (config: Omit<OmniConfig, 'plugins'>): Promise<any>;